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#1 Doctor Recommended Pain Reliever is LOWERING Men's Testosterone -- Are You Taking It?

I'm calling this forgotten powder the Healing Element.

Hey, Matt Cook here, and I know this is going to sound totally crazy, but hear me out...

The most popular over-the-counter pain reliever that more than 60 million Americans are using every week...

...the #1 doctor-recommended pain reliever in the country for arthritis and joint pain...

I've discovered that it's actually LOWERING men's testosterone levels...

...raising estrogen...

...lowering libido and diminishing a man's pleasure...

...and increasing the risks of heart attack, stroke, and certain cancers.

And you may have already taken it today...

One man who was taking this super common pain reliever for joint pain now suffers from constant migraines that won't go away:

After taking this product for many years, it now will cause me to have a terrible migraine.

This migraine will last for 2-3 days and no medication at all will relieve it.

Another man taking this pain reliever was shocked to suddenly feel awful... and he only felt better when he stopped taking these pills:

I was dizzy, extreme fatigue and unbalanced and severely depressed!

Stopped for a day now,, starting to feel BETTER!!! Amazing !

Hopefully even better as days go by!!! Incredible that a pill can do that to my body!!

It's poison for my body! Waste of alot of Time hurting in my Life!

Another man suffered blood pressure problems while taking this pain reliever, and he ended up having to get his aortic valve replaced:

Taking this drug elevates my blood pressure significantly.

I have experienced this numerous times.

Most recently hospital personnel tended not to believe me and administered it for pain after my aortic valve replacement...

They became believers!

While Clay says he started taking higher and higher doses of this over-the-counter drug to keep treating his pain -- and it was the worst thing he ever did:

"In the early nineties I was taking this drug for severe headaches.

We had first responders in our workplace that pushed me to larger strengths and doses.

"You're a big guy, you need it, you can take it." Don't listen.

Never go over the recommended dose for your weight, It will permanently damage your liver.

My liver transplant was Dec. 19, 1996."

So many people accidentally overdose on this pain reliever, never knowing how common it is...

As one man says, this pain reliever is much more dangerous than most people think:

My friend is a pharmacist and sometimes jokes that this drug probably wouldn't be over the counter if it was invented today.

But since it's been otc so long no one dares suggest that it go behind the counter.

Poor Haeim says he's suffering permanent gastrointestinal issues from taking this pain reliever -- and his doctor told him to take it:

I've had a very high fever and after taking this it only made it worse. That is why, they suggested me to take it every 4 hours

As a result, my fever is now gone but my stomach is suffering.

I currently have stomach/intestinal disturbances due to this drug.

Another man going by "Soldier" says he took this pain reliever for arthritis like many men do...

And shortly after, ended up in the operating room with heart problems:

"Took one capsule before going to bed for a week to help sleep (arthritis).

Had a reaction of hypertension and tachycardia. Stopped taking anything extra beside regular meds.

Took it again about a month later. Had the same reaction, only much worse.

Ended up in the OR. Realized what the cause was.

I have never taken anymore and condition has not returned after three months.

My doctors were not aware of this reaction from this drug until I found this site."

So what is this dangerous over-the-counter pain reliever?

Believe it or not, it's acetaminophen -- or as most people know it, Tylenol.

Acetaminophen is lowering men's testosterone levels and raising estrogen:

Acetaminophen is hurting men's libido and his ability to make the all-important male androgens that control sex drive and performance:

And acetaminophen is reducing the amount of pleasure and enjoyment men get out of doing things they like, such as having sex:

And it gets worse because...

Acetaminophen raises blood pressure which can increase men's risk of heart attack and stroke:

It can increase the risk of fatal blood cancers like lymphoma and leukemia:

...and give people deadly skin allergies:

...and also do major damage to the liver:

Acetaminophen is also hiding inside many other drugs.

Which is why it's so easy to accidentally get too much and overdose.

It's hiding inside other common over-the-counter remedies like Alka Seltzer, Benadryl, Robitusson, Vick's, and Excedrin to name a few.

And men are combining these drugs and suffering from life-time side effects.

That's why I'm sounding the alarm to as many men as possible, as fast as possible.

I believe acetaminophen is one of the most dangerous over-the-counter drugs available today... I'm revealing a natural alternative that treats pain even better than acetaminophen while being safer and longer-lasting.

I'll show you exactly what it is, how it was first discovered, and why it works so well.

Along with how you can start using this natural pain reliever as soon as tonight for instant relief.

But before I do, I want to warn you about these other popular over-the-counter pain relievers...

Because it's not just acetaminophen that's destroying male health and performance, it's these supposedly "safe" pain relievers too...

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) is doing terrible things to men's bodies...

It's leading to hypogonadism, which is when the body stops producing important male hormones like testosterone and DHT and DHEA:

And in this way, ibuprofen is also hurting men's libidos, just like acetaminophen.

Ibuprofen can also lead to extra belly fat and chest fat, even man boobs:

And it's really harsh on the gut.

In fact, it often causes leaky gut which is the catalyst to many other aging diseases in men:

And also worrying: ibuprofen use can increase the risk of heart attack by as much as 31%:

So skip the ibuprofen too while you're at it...

And what about Naproxen, aka Aleve?

Naproxen is a type of NSAID that is also doing damage to men's bodies.

Just like acetaminophen, naproxen increases the risk of heart attack and stroke:

And like ibuprofen, it's really harsh on the gut. It can even cause life-threatening GI bleeds:

Naproxen often raises blood pressure too, especially in men.

And I think we all know how bad opioids are for health, short-term and long-term...

Opioids like hydrocodone and oxycodone are highly addictive and very harsh on the entire body.

These drugs destroy the liver, the gut, and lead to diseases like diabetes.

And get this -- opioids also lower testosterone in men:

Opioids also often cause erectile dysfunction in men:

And to top it all off, opioids eventually stop working...

The body needs more and more and more -- until a man is just popping them out of habit and not because they do anything to treat his daily recurring pain.

I'm calling this forgotten powder the Healing Element.

This natural pain reliever treats bad backs, stiff joints, sore muscles, and other daily aches and pains better than anything else I've tried.

It blasts away arthritis like the strongest opioid available -- except it's gentle and non-addictive, and it's as safe as table salt.

You take a small amount each day... and not only do you feel immediate relief, in often just 7 to 14 days, your pain is permanently gone.

And it stays gone, even if your pain is off the charts -- even if you've been suffering for years.

It's absolutely phenomenal.

I'm calling this forgotten powder the Healing Element.

And the reason it works so well at eliminating arthritis and joint pain is because it targets the root cause of this pain.

The Healing Element reduces the enzymes that trigger an inflammatory response inside the joints that lead to pain, stiffness, and soreness:

It also helps the body hold onto essential minerals like calcium and vitamin D that keep your bones and cartilage intact.

In one major study, this Healing Element reduced arthritis cases by more than 60%.

And most of the men in the study reported less pain in just 3 days!

The men who only had small traces of this Healing Element in their body were more likely to suffer from arthritis.

And over 71% of arthritis sufferers greatly improved in just a short time thanks to this natural remedy!

So what is the Healing Element and how do you get it?

The Healing Element is a natural trace mineral that's been around even before the dawn of man.

It's found in the soil, in certain foods, and it's now on the shelf in almost every major grocery store.

You can get a huge box that will last you months and months.

And it only costs a few bucks, like four or five dollars for 2 to 3 pounds.

So why haven't you ever heard of this Healing Element before?

Why isn't the Healing Element being advertised in TV commercials and on posters hanging in doctor's offices?

Why are so many people with arthritis still suffering if this Healing Element works so well?

Believe it or not, there was one man who spent almost his entire life fighting to get the word out about this natural pain reliever...

He sacrificed his entire career to share this discovery and he didn't stop trying to help men live pain free lives until he passed away in 2008.

And now in honor of him, I'm continuing his work with the Healing Element and sharing it with as many men as possible.

The man who first discovered the powers of this Healing Element is Dr. Rex Newnham.

Rex Newnham was a respected plant and soil scientist who was diagnosed with arthritis early on in his career.

While he was studying nutrition in Australia in the 1960s, he decided to test out certain nutrients and minerals like the Healing Element to see if any of them helped his daily pain.

To his surprise, just 3 weeks after starting his experiments with this Healing Element, his pain, swelling, and stiffness was totally gone!

Here's Dr. Newnham's experience in his own words:

"In a week the pain was less, in ten days the pain was less.

In three weeks the pain, swelling and stiffness had all gone, so I stopped taking it.

A year later the pain and swelling returned, so I took more and in two weeks all was right again."

So naturally, Dr. Newnham wanted to share this discovery with the rest of the world...

And everyone he shared the Healing Element with got amazing results just like he did.

They were finally saying goodbye to the constant crippling pain of arthritis -- and thanks to Dr. Newnham, they were getting their lives back.

Eventually, Dr. Newnham was struggling to keep up with the demand for his new arthritis cure...

So he naively approached a well-known drug company to try and broker a deal to get this remedy mass produced and made available to as many people as possible.

But the big drug company saw this Healing Element as a threat to their million dollar market on pain relievers...

As Dr. Newnham explained:

"I was employing people to handle the tablets and then I did a foolish thing and went to a drug company for help in marketing, thinking they would be interested in overcoming arthritis.

But they were not interested; they were concerned at an opposition product.

That company had men on at least two government committees and they had the law changed and I was fined for selling it.

They successfully destroyed my business in Australia...

From half to 3/4 of a million people have benefited from these tablets."

And sadly, since then, Dr. Newnham's work on the Healing Element has been discounted, covered up, and buried.

Big Pharma doesn't want anyone to know about this totally natural pain reliever...

Because if they did, who would use drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen?

Nobody would buy these drugs anymore and they'd lose money.

So don't be surprised if the powers that be try to get this page taken down...

However, I plan on continuing to spread the word about this Healing Element, just as Dr. Newnham would have wanted.

So I dug up Dr. Newnham's studies and I learned all I could about this Healing Element...

And as it turns out, the Healing Element has many more benefits than just eliminating pain!

The Healing Element has been shown to actually RAISE testosterone, the complete opposite of what other over-the-counter pain relievers do...

It often increases sex drive...

And it also helps keep stress hormones like estrogen low.

I started using this Healing Element and experimenting with it just like Dr. Newnham did...

And my daily, constant, painful back ache is finally gone!

My joints don't creak and pop when I sit down or stand up.

And the headaches I used to get everyday or every other day have been much improved.

And I've tried so many things to eliminate these pains over the years...

Massage therapy, several forms of acupuncture, pills, trigger point therapy, active release therapy, several forms of chiropractic therapy...

And none of it worked.

The Healing Element is the only thing that has ever worked for me.

And now it's working for many other men too!

John suffered from arthritis pain for years until trying this... now he's feeling decades younger:

So Matt! I have got to tell you this because no one is going to believe me when I tell them that this will help stave off arthritis!

The reason I say this is because yesterday I put in a 18 hour day, I didn't really have a break all day.

Now you would think that I would be aching terribly come 4:00 am, but the amazing part is that I wake up and rise out of bed...

And it is like a miracle where everything that aches seems to just pop into place, and I am awake and ready to go another round.

So from the bottom of my heart thank you for showing me a way to feel like I am in my twenties again at 49!

Doug doesn't need to take opiates anymore thanks to this Healing Element:

This is still working well for me, replacing the Tramadol opiate that I have been taking for 7 years.

I was wondering if this works as well for a woman as it does for me? My wife has some issues with arthritis.

Pete says the Healing Element has cured his sciatic and arthritis pain completely in just one month:

I've been taking it 5 days on and 2 off, twice a day for about 2 months.

I noticed about a month ago that my arthritis and sciatic pain are gone. Great stuff.

J.H. says his joints feel significantly better:

Hey Matt, two days into this recommendation, my joints felt significantly better.

Sounds nuts but I'm giving it to you straight. Today is my 3d day at it so I do literally mean 2 days in.

I work on a receiving dock. Joint pain comes with it for all the lugging things around.

The Healing Element nailed it. Cheers!

Hap says his chronic leg pain is gone:

Pain virtually gone that I had been suffering in both legs, as previously reported. Has not returned.

...while Andrew says the Healing Element has even helped him overcome paralysis!

Since early in my recovery from thoracic spinal damage, which @ the time of injury in May 2020, left me paralyzed from the belly button down.

I now have fine motor control of my right leg and gross motor control of the left, improving every day.

I hope to be going home next month or, worst case scenario, by my birthday in March.

I would have never found out about this without you, So thanks

...and today, you can try this Healing Element for free!

I put together a simple report showing any man how to start using this Healing Element and live a pain free life again.

I'm telling you where to get it, how much to take, how often to use it...

And answering any other questions you may have about this Healing Element.

And it's yours free today in honor of the late, great Dr. Rex Newnham.

Here are all the benefits of the Healing Element:

  • Eliminates arthritis and joint pain in 2 weeks or less
    • Just a tiny pinch of the Healing Element starts immediately relieving nagging, chronic joint pain and arthritis. And it's as safe as table salt! It's also completely natural and fast-acting. Many men report less pain in as little as 3 days!
    • Studies show that in places where the soil is rich in this Healing Element, only 10% of the population has arthritis... whereas when the Healing Element is missing from the soil, arthritis cases go up by 70%!

  • Higher testosterone levels
    • Studies show that the Healing Element can increase testosterone by 25% or more in men -- which helps men build muscle mass, reduce belly fat, strengthen erections, increase stamina, and more...
    • Other important male hormones like DHT and DHEA go up as well! And it's completely natural and safe.
  • Lower estrogen levels
    • As the Healing Element helps raise testosterone in men, it also helps lower estrogen. This makes it unique because almost every other pain reliever actually raises estrogen levels in men.
    • Estrogen is not good for men in high amounts, and the Healing Element works to keep estrogen levels in the right range. So you can say goodbye to stubborn belly fat, man boobs, and even pesky ED issues!
  • Higher sex drive
    • Men who use this Healing Element say their libido is restored within weeks, so they feel more like the horny young teenager they used to be!

  • Less reliance on dangerous opioids and prescription drugs
    • Men who use the Healing Element don't need to take pain pills anymore -- because their pain is gone! While the most popular over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol and Aleve come with loads of bad side effects, the Healing Element has ZERO side effects and is safe to take long-term.

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